Monday, September 21, 2009

Magpie's Haven

Have you ever known a magpie? My Aunt Ruthie was one; a wiry little lady with bright eyes who loved to collect things, specially things of little use or value. She really didn't chatter all that much, however she was quite opinionated. I loved her.

The magpies were calling and fluttering - white markings flashing in the sunlight as we set up for the last attempt of the day. I am not sure if they were scolding us for invading their space or just announcing the strange appearance of two middle aged persons in funny hats settling down to roost on their road. As I unfolded my pastel box, I saw one bold gal swoop low to eye the bright colors nesting in my palette. The vivid turquoise would look nice against the glossy black feathers. She retreated into the shaded recesses of the decrepit old barn and then swooped back for another look. I knew if I abandoned my set-up that my favorite color would go missing.

This was our third stop of the day, the sun was getting lower in the sky and I was hoping to capture the colored aging wood of the magpie's haven. I used 300# paper with a watercolor under-painting, and finished it off with pastel.

1 comment:

  1. Carol, this is a beautiful blog and gives everyone - me especially - an opportunity to see your art. Your paintings displayed are very beautiful too. Linda
